Together with German forestry protection organisation Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald e.V., the Plant-a-Tree campaign at Haeger & Schmidt Logistics (HSL) entered into its second round. Following on from the successful campaign a year ago, 600 trees were planted this time. The employees have sent a strong and proactive signal for sustainability in practice.
On St. Nicolas Day, a delegation of HSL employees left their keyboards to take up spades in order to plant around 600 young trees on a surface area of 900 square metres in the Speldorf Forest between Duisburg and Mülheim. A mixture of trees, made up of 80 percent beech and 20 percent oak, was selected. After a few years, the trees should bind an average of around 7.5 tons of CO2 a year and, in addition, produce vital oxygen for the city. “Given our strong connection with the City of Duisburg, we attach great on supporting regional projects,” explains Charlotte Fischer from the HSL Future Team which has been formed by the company’s young professionals.
The company has linked up the plant-a-tree campaign with a measure from its Company Health Management (CHM) which awards the sporting achievements of the participating employees with new trees. The basis for assessing performance consists of the number of kilometres by bike (x factor 1/3 for adjustment), from jogging, walking, in-line skating and swimming. The kilometres achieved across all disciplines came in at 15,780 km on the cut-off date of 1 August 2022. As part of the HSL Group, HSL subsidiary HSW made the greatest contribution, followed by their colleagues at HSLB in Antwerp and the Projects & Inland Navigation Division.
The goal for the coming year has already been set says Fischer: “We want to at minimum match but preferably exceed the same number of kilometres. We have our sights on 18,870 km. This is not a random number – it marks the founding year of 1887.”