Cynthia Clauwaert, 23, joined the board of Young FORWARD Belgium, the young professionals’ branch of the Belgian forwarding association, early this summer. She has already been working for Haeger & Schmidt Logistics Belgium (HSLB) for five years.
“Land-based inland waterway logistics has been my passion since childhood”, says Cynthia Clauwaert. Clauwaert comes from an inland shipping family whose tradition spans several generations. So she grew up on board. “While other children played with dolls, I created my own inland shipping world with self-made cargo papers,” Clauwaert recalls. Studying at boarding school during the week, she spent every free minute on the “Ganda” during the weekends or holidays. She remembers very well: “We specialised in heavy-lift and special cargo, some of which we transported as far as Romania.” However, when she was 13, her parents sold the barge. By then the seed had already been planted, and after Clauwaert graduated from high school in Antwerp five years later, she applied for a job at HSL. The then 18-year-old already knew the logistics company because her parents also used to operate for HSL.
Since inland navigation knowledge is rarely taught at universities, Clauwaert did not see studying as the first choice. Therefore, five years ago she started her career at HSL and continued her parents’ tradition – only on the land side. Initially, her area of responsibility was chartering inland vessels with conventional freight as well as heavy-lift cargo. But after two years, she switched to the Intermodal division as customer service representative to familiarize herself with other facets of inland shipping.
Connecting young logistics experts
She first came into contact with Young FORWARD Belgium about a year and a half ago. The young forwarder took part in workshops and events to network with like-minded people in her age group. Gradually, the idea emerged to get involved in the profession that she is so passionate about, beyond company boundaries, and to pass on some of her passion. She ran for election and was appointed to the board on 22 June 2023, together with Cédric Peeters (Portmade) and Nicolas Lens (Antwerp Cargo Movers).
The trio of Young FORWARD Belgium is dedicated to bringing together young logistics professionals, providing expertise and informing recent school graduates about career opportunities in the transport industry. Together they will visit schools and colleges this upcoming winter semester. For Clauwaert it is evident that she also aims to share knowledge about inland navigation during these visits, as this mode of transport is frequently overlooked in educational settings. Additionally, two other events are planned: the Forward Quiz, for which teams from the companies can register, and a football tournament. The events are well received by the young logisticians. The number of participants usually ranges from 30 to 90.
Preparations for FIATA Young Logistics Challenge
An event worth highlighting this year is the FIATA World Congress from 3 to 6 October in Brussels. The board of Young FORWARD is especially working towards 3 October, since the Young Logistics Day takes place on that day. The focus will be on the Young Logistics Challenge, prepared by Clauwaert, Peeters and Leens. Clauwaert explains what the challenge is about: “Young talents from companies and students are given a case study from practice, which they have to solve in a short time and present in a “pitch”.” When it comes to preparing these activities, the young board members are not left to their own devices . For instance, Clauwaert can always knock on Anne de Beule’s door. The experienced colleague is not only her team leader, but is also chair of the Sustainability Commission at FORWARD Belgium.