Haeger & Schmidt Logistics (HSL) has joined the partner network of the duisport subsidiary Startport and will thus support start-ups as an industry expert in the future. The innovation platform is specially tailored to young companies with innovative ideas for logistics and supply and networks over 60 start-ups with around 40 partners, primarily from the Rhine-Ruhr region.  

“Since we know the demands and requirements of the industry very well, we want to actively support young entrepreneurs so that they can realize their ideas and dreams. From the connection to the logistics start-ups, we expect new forward-looking concepts and solutions,” says HSL CEO Heiko Brückner about the motivation to join.  

In two programs, the Startport Incubator and Accelerator, Startport networks companies and start-ups. The Incubator program is aimed at founders who want to develop their first prototype. The Accelerator program aims to implement a collaborative project together with partner companies. These approaches are a perfect fit for HSL because digitisation is a strategic orientation for the company. 

Startport Managing Director Peter Trapp sees a win-win situation: “Our new partner HSL has over 100 years of experience in the different sectors of freight forwarding, shipping, container logistics with stuffing through to trucking. Our start-ups driving logistics innovations can benefit enormously from this knowledge. However, the exchange with our start-ups also supports our new partner in remaining competitive and optimising their own products.” 

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