Generation Z, i.e. the young people who are now gradually entering the labour market, primarily inform themselves digitally. Haeger & Schmidt Logistics (HSL) is adapting to this and is increasingly using social media channels and, due to Corona, online trade fairs. Career starters can now find out about the five apprenticeships at HSL on Instagram and LinkedIn.

“There are supplementary apprenticeship profiles on the website and our company profile is available on the usual trainee platforms,” adds trainer Johanna Freiwald. It’s worth taking a look at the many opportunities, because HSL is planning to take on eight apprentices again on 1 August 2021, as it did last year.

One opportunity for the graduating classes of 2022 to talk to the HSL team is the Vocatium Duisburg career guidance fair. As things stand at present, this will take place on 9/10 March 2021 in the Mercatorhalle Duisburg. If this is not possible due to the current pandemic, alternative dates will be offered via video chat on 17 February and 14 April. More information about HSL at Vocatium is available at

During a lockdown, a candidate may find himself or herself in a situation where he or she is invited to a telephone interview. How does the candidate prepare for the appointment?

Trainer Johanna Freiwald gives tips

  • Create good conditions, choose a quiet place, have a piece of paper and pen ready
  • Allow sufficient time and get ready about 10 minutes before the appointment
  • It can also help to dress as if you are attending a presence performance to make the mood more experiential for yourself
  • If you research pictures of the interviewers on the internet, you can better imagine who you are sitting virtually opposite.
  • Good preparation: prepare a guideline with key points about your own introduction and notes you have made about the company. This reduces the excitement that experience has shown to be greater in telephone interviews.
  • Prepare two to three questions – show interest in the company.

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